home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "xutil.h"
- #include "lutil.h"
- #include "ttyio.h"
- #include "session.h"
- #include "statetbl.h"
- #include "config.h"
- #include "emsi.h"
- #include "nodelist.h"
- #define LOCAL_PROTOS (ZMO | ZAP)
- extern int janus(void);
- extern int rxwazoo(void);
- extern int txwazoo(void);
- extern unsigned short crc16(char*,int);
- extern char *version,*reldate;
- extern void rdoptions(node *);
- static int rxemsi(void);
- static int txemsi(void);
- static char *intro;
- static int caller;
- int emsi_local_lcodes;
- int emsi_remote_lcodes;
- int emsi_local_protos;
- int emsi_remote_protos;
- int emsi_local_opts;
- int emsi_remote_opts;
- char *emsi_local_password;
- char *emsi_remote_password;
- char emsi_remote_comm[4]="8N1";
- int rx_emsi(data)
- char *data;
- {
- int rc;
- fa_list *tmp,*tmr;
- int denypw=0;
- node *nlent;
- loginf("start inbound EMSI session");
- emsi_local_lcodes=0;
- if (localoptions & NOPUA) emsi_local_lcodes |= PUP;
- emsi_remote_lcodes=0;
- emsi_local_protos=LOCAL_PROTOS;
- if (localoptions & NOZMODEM) emsi_local_protos &= ~(ZMO|ZAP|DZA);
- if (localoptions & NOZEDZAP) emsi_local_protos &= ~ZAP;
- if (localoptions & NOJANUS) emsi_local_protos &= ~JAN;
- if (localoptions & NOHYDRA) emsi_local_protos &= ~HYD;
- emsi_remote_protos=0;
- emsi_local_opts=XMA;
- emsi_remote_opts=0;
- emsi_local_password=NULL;
- emsi_remote_password=NULL;
- intro=data+2;
- caller=0;
- if ((rc=rxemsi())) return rc;
- if (localoptions & NOFREQS) emsi_local_opts |= NRQ;
- debug(10,"local lcodes 0x%04x, protos 0x%04x, opts 0x%04x",
- emsi_local_lcodes,emsi_local_protos,emsi_local_opts);
- debug(10,"remote lcodes 0x%04x, protos 0x%04x, opts 0x%04x",
- emsi_remote_lcodes,emsi_remote_protos,emsi_remote_opts);
- emsi_local_protos &= emsi_remote_protos;
- if (emsi_local_protos & HYD) emsi_local_protos &= HYD;
- else if (emsi_local_protos & JAN) emsi_local_protos &= JAN;
- else if (emsi_local_protos & ZAP) emsi_local_protos &= ZAP;
- else if (emsi_local_protos & ZMO) emsi_local_protos &= ZMO;
- else if (emsi_local_protos & DZA) emsi_local_protos &= DZA;
- else if (emsi_local_protos & KER) emsi_local_protos &= KER;
- emsi_local_password=NULL;
- for (tmr=remote;tmr;tmr=tmr->next)
- if (((nlent=getnlent(tmr->addr))) &&
- (nlent->pflag != DUMMY))
- {
- loginf("remote is a listed system");
- inbound=listinbound;
- rdoptions(nlent);
- break;
- }
- for (tmp=pwlist;tmp;tmp=tmp->next)
- for (tmr=remote;tmr;tmr=tmr->next)
- if (metric(tmr->addr,tmp->addr) == 0)
- {
- if (strncasecmp(emsi_remote_password,tmp->addr->name,8) != 0)
- {
- denypw=1;
- loginf("remote gave password \"%s\", expected \"%s\"",
- emsi_remote_password,tmp->addr->name);
- emsi_local_password="BAD_PASSWORD";
- emsi_local_lcodes=HAT;
- }
- else
- {
- emsi_local_password=tmp->addr->name;
- inbound=protinbound;
- loginf("remote gave correct password, protected EMSI session");
- }
- }
- debug(10,"local lcodes 0x%04x, protos 0x%04x, opts 0x%04x",
- emsi_local_lcodes,emsi_local_protos,emsi_local_opts);
- if ((rc=txemsi())) return rc;
- if (denypw || (emsi_local_protos == 0))
- {
- loginf("refusing remote: %s",
- emsi_local_protos?"bad password presented":
- "no common protocols");
- return 0;
- }
- if ((emsi_remote_opts & NRQ) == 0) session_flags |= SESSION_WAZOO;
- else session_flags &= ~SESSION_WAZOO;
- if (emsi_local_protos & JAN) return janus();
- else return rxwazoo();
- }
- int tx_emsi(data)
- char* data;
- {
- int rc;
- loginf("start outbound EMSI session");
- emsi_local_lcodes=PUA;
- if (localoptions & NOPUA)
- {
- emsi_local_lcodes |= PUP;
- emsi_local_lcodes &= ~PUA;
- }
- emsi_remote_lcodes=0;
- emsi_local_protos=LOCAL_PROTOS;
- if (localoptions & NOZMODEM) emsi_local_protos &= ~(ZMO|ZAP|DZA);
- if (localoptions & NOZEDZAP) emsi_local_protos &= ~ZAP;
- if (localoptions & NOJANUS) emsi_local_protos &= ~JAN;
- if (localoptions & NOHYDRA) emsi_local_protos &= ~HYD;
- emsi_remote_protos=0;
- emsi_local_opts=XMA;
- emsi_remote_opts=0;
- emsi_local_password=NULL;
- emsi_remote_password=NULL;
- intro=data+2;
- caller=1;
- emsi_local_password=NULL;
- debug(10,"local lcodes 0x%04x, protos 0x%04x, opts 0x%04x",
- emsi_local_lcodes,emsi_local_protos,emsi_local_opts);
- if ((rc=txemsi())) return rc;
- else if ((rc=rxemsi())) return rc;
- debug(10,"remote lcodes 0x%04x, protos 0x%04x, opts 0x%04x",
- emsi_remote_lcodes,emsi_remote_protos,emsi_remote_opts);
- if ((emsi_remote_protos == 0) || (emsi_remote_lcodes & HAT))
- {
- loginf("remote refused us: %s",
- emsi_remote_protos?"traffic held":"no common protos");
- return 0;
- }
- emsi_local_protos &= emsi_remote_protos;
- if ((emsi_remote_opts & NRQ) == 0) session_flags |= SESSION_WAZOO;
- else session_flags &= ~SESSION_WAZOO;
- if (emsi_local_protos & JAN) return janus();
- else return txwazoo();
- }
- SM_DECL(rxemsi,"rxemsi")
- waitpkt,waitchar,checkemsi,getdat,checkpkt,checkdat,
- sendnak,sendack
- "waitpkt","waitchar","checkemsi","getdat","checkpkt","checkdat",
- "sendnak","sendack"
- int c;
- unsigned short lcrc,rcrc;
- int len;
- int standby=0,tries=0;
- char buf[13],*p;
- char *databuf=NULL;
- p=buf;
- databuf=xstrcpy(intro);
- SM_START(checkpkt)
- SM_STATE(waitpkt)
- standby=0;
- SM_PROCEED(waitchar);
- SM_STATE(waitchar)
- c=GETCHAR(8);
- if (c == TIMEOUT)
- {
- if (++tries > 6)
- {
- loginf("too many tries waiting EMSI handshake");
- }
- else {SM_PROCEED(sendnak);}
- }
- else if (c < 0)
- {
- }
- else if ((c >= ' ') && (c <= '~'))
- {
- if (c == '*')
- {
- standby=1;
- p=buf;
- *p='\0';
- }
- else if (standby)
- {
- if ((p-buf) < (sizeof(buf)-1))
- {
- *p++=c;
- *p='\0';
- }
- if ((p-buf) >= (sizeof(buf)-1))
- {
- standby=0;
- SM_PROCEED(checkemsi);
- }
- }
- }
- else switch(c)
- {
- case DC1: break;
- case '\n':
- case '\r': standby=0;
- break;
- default: standby=0;
- debug(10,"got '%s' reading emsi",
- printablec(c));
- break;
- }
- SM_PROCEED(waitchar);
- SM_STATE(checkemsi)
- debug(10,"rxemsi got: \"%s\"",buf);
- if (strncasecmp(buf,"EMSI_DAT",8) == 0) {SM_PROCEED(getdat);}
- else if (strncasecmp(buf,"EMSI_",5) == 0)
- {
- if (databuf) free(databuf);
- databuf=xstrcpy(buf);
- SM_PROCEED(checkpkt);
- }
- else
- {
- SM_PROCEED(waitpkt);
- }
- SM_STATE(getdat)
- debug(10,"try get emsi_dat packet starting with \"%s\"",buf);
- if (sscanf(buf+8,"%04x",&len) != 1)
- {SM_PROCEED(sendnak);}
- len += 16; /* strlen("EMSI_DATxxxxyyyy"), include CRC */
- if (databuf) free(databuf);
- databuf=xmalloc(len+1);
- strcpy(databuf,buf);
- p=databuf+strlen(databuf);
- while (((p-databuf) < len) && ((c=GETCHAR(8)) >= 0))
- {
- debug(10,"got '%s'",printablec(c));
- *p++=c;
- *p='\0';
- }
- debug(10,"len %d, databuf \"%s\"",len,databuf);
- if (c == TIMEOUT)
- {
- SM_PROCEED(sendnak);
- }
- else if (c < 0)
- {
- loginf("error while reading EMSI_DAT packet");
- }
- SM_PROCEED(checkdat);
- SM_STATE(checkpkt)
- if (strncasecmp(databuf,"EMSI_DAT",8) == 0)
- {
- SM_PROCEED(checkdat);
- }
- lcrc=crc16(databuf,8);
- sscanf(databuf+8,"%04hx",&rcrc);
- if (lcrc != rcrc)
- {
- loginf("got EMSI packet \"%s\" with bad crc: %04x/%04x",
- printable(databuf,0),lcrc,rcrc);
- SM_PROCEED(sendnak);
- }
- if (strncasecmp(databuf,"EMSI_HBT",8) == 0)
- {
- tries=0;
- SM_PROCEED(waitpkt);
- }
- else if (strncasecmp(databuf,"EMSI_INQ",8) == 0)
- {
- SM_PROCEED(sendnak);
- }
- else
- {
- debug(10,"rxemsi ignores packet \"%s\"",databuf);
- SM_PROCEED(waitpkt);
- }
- SM_STATE(checkdat)
- sscanf(databuf+8,"%04x",&len);
- if (len != (strlen(databuf)-16))
- {
- loginf("bad EMSI_DAT length: %d/%d",len,strlen(databuf));
- SM_PROCEED(sendnak);
- }
- sscanf(databuf+strlen(databuf)-4,"%04hx",&rcrc);
- *(databuf+strlen(databuf)-4)='\0';
- lcrc=crc16(databuf,strlen(databuf));
- if (lcrc != rcrc)
- {
- loginf("got EMSI_DAT packet \"%s\" with bad crc: %04x/%04x",
- printable(databuf,0),lcrc,rcrc);
- SM_PROCEED(sendnak);
- }
- if (scanemsidat(databuf+12) == 0)
- {
- SM_PROCEED(sendack);
- }
- else
- {
- logerr("could not parse EMSI_DAT packet \"%s\"",databuf);
- }
- SM_STATE(sendnak)
- if (++tries > 6)
- {
- loginf("too many tries getting EMSI_DAT");
- }
- if (caller)
- {
- PUTSTR("**EMSI_NAKEEC3\r\021");
- }
- else
- {
- PUTSTR("**EMSI_REQA77E\r\021");
- }
- SM_PROCEED(waitpkt);
- SM_STATE(sendack)
- PUTSTR("**EMSI_ACKA490\r\021");
- PUTSTR("**EMSI_ACKA490\r\021");
- free(databuf);
- SM_DECL(txemsi,"txemsi")
- senddata,waitpkt,waitchar,checkpkt,sendack
- "senddata","waitpkt","waitchar","checkpkt","sendack"
- int c;
- unsigned short lcrc,rcrc;
- int standby=0,tries=0;
- char buf[13],*p;
- char trailer[8];
- p=buf;
- strncpy(buf,intro,sizeof(buf)-1);
- SM_START(senddata)
- SM_STATE(senddata)
- p=mkemsidat(caller);
- PUTCHAR('*');
- PUTCHAR('*');
- PUTSTR(p);
- sprintf(trailer,"%04X\r\021",crc16(p,strlen(p)));
- PUTSTR(trailer);
- free(p);
- SM_PROCEED(waitpkt);
- SM_STATE(waitpkt)
- standby=0;
- SM_PROCEED(waitchar);
- SM_STATE(waitchar)
- c=GETCHAR(8);
- if (c == TIMEOUT)
- {
- if (++tries > 6)
- {
- loginf("too many tries sending EMSI");
- }
- else {SM_PROCEED(senddata);}
- }
- else if (c < 0)
- {
- }
- else if ((c >= ' ') && (c <= '~'))
- {
- if (c == '*')
- {
- standby=1;
- p=buf;
- *p='\0';
- }
- else if (standby)
- {
- if ((p-buf) < (sizeof(buf)-1))
- {
- *p++=c;
- *p='\0';
- }
- if ((p-buf) >= (sizeof(buf)-1))
- {
- standby=0;
- SM_PROCEED(checkpkt);
- }
- }
- }
- else switch(c)
- {
- case DC1: SM_PROCEED(waitchar);
- break;
- case '\n':
- case '\r': standby=0;
- break;
- default: standby=0;
- debug(10,"got '%s' from remote",
- printablec(c));
- break;
- }
- {SM_PROCEED(waitchar);}
- SM_STATE(checkpkt)
- debug(10,"rxemsi got: \"%s\"",buf);
- if (strncasecmp(buf,"EMSI_DAT",8) == 0)
- {
- SM_PROCEED(sendack);
- }
- else if (strncasecmp(buf,"EMSI_",5) == 0)
- {
- lcrc=crc16(buf,8);
- sscanf(buf+8,"%04hx",&rcrc);
- if (lcrc != rcrc)
- {
- loginf("got EMSI packet \"%s\" with bad crc: %04x/%04x",
- printable(buf,0),lcrc,rcrc);
- SM_PROCEED(senddata);
- }
- if (strncasecmp(buf,"EMSI_REQ",8) == 0)
- {
- SM_PROCEED(waitpkt);
- }
- if (strncasecmp(buf,"EMSI_ACK",8) == 0)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- SM_PROCEED(senddata);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- SM_PROCEED(waitpkt);
- }
- SM_STATE(sendack)
- PUTSTR("**EMSI_ACKA490\r\021");
- PUTSTR("**EMSI_ACKA490\r\021");
- /* SM_PROCEED(senddata); */
- SM_PROCEED(waitpkt);